Let’s tie together everything we’ve learned so far and get a contact form added to our site. This will involve enabling the core Contact module, configuring its settings, and adding permissions.
Additional resources
NOTE: Support of Dreditor has been nominal for a while. It's still the preferred tool for enhancing Drupal's issue queue, but keeping track of what the "official" version is can be tricky. For now, we recommend https://dreditor.github.io/. There's also been work happening to incorporate many of Dreditor's features right into Drupal.org itself. See https://www.drupal.org/project/drupalorg/issues/1673278
Dreditor is a great community tool that assists with things like patch reviews, and generally interacting with the Drupal.org issue queue. Dreditor is not a Drupal module, but is a plugin script you use in your browser. In this lesson, Joe walks through how to get Dreditor installed (on Chrome and Firefox), and then shows you how to use it to make your work in the issue queues more efficient.
Additional resources
How to Give a Hug
FreeIn this video Joe Shindelar goes over some important information about giving hugs. He walks through the various facets of hugs, giving some demonstrations throughout on:
- Defining a hug
- Types of hugs
- Cautions
- Technique
As Joe admonishes in the video, don't forget to practice your hugging after watching the video. Practice makes perfect!
In this lesson we take a look at an extremely useful tool for communicating with the Drupal community (and many other Open Source communities as well). We will find out what IRC is, why you would want to use it, how to get connected, and some basic guidelines and tips for talking with people on IRC. We'll also explain what the IRC bot, Druplicon, is and how you can use it.
Additional resources
This screencast covers the following topics:
- Installing the Flag module
- What flags are and how they are used on your website
- The default bookmarks flag, and its view
We also see a few other generally useful modules in action, though not germane to using Flag:
If you're reading this message, you use Open Source software. The last fifteen years has seen the meteoric rise of tools like Linux, Apache, Firefox, WordPress, Drupal and more; simplyusing Open Source is old hat. When it comes to building your company's web strategy around open source tools, though, the decisions can be fuzzier. The best-known arguments for Open Source are often ideological rather than pragmatic, and fail to account for the different needs of different projects and businesses.
In this Do it with Drupal session, Jeff Eaton will explain the no-nonsense pros and cons of Open Source, covering the big wins as well as the tradeoffs and common pain points. Whether your business is testing the Open Source water, betting the farm on community-maintained software, or open-sourcing its own creations, you'll learn how to avoid common pitfalls and set yourself up for success.
In this lesson we show how everyone can help with the Drupal.org documentation. We take a quick look at some of the links and information that is available to everyone with a Drupal.org account, and then we dive in to make our first edit to an existing page. We run into Drupal.org's spam protection, so we also walk through getting ourselves on the no spam list for the site. After we complete our edit, we then see how to add our own new handbook page, by creating documentation for a contributed module, which doesn't have a page yet. We finish up by creating an issue in the module's issue queue, to get a link to our new page added to the module's project page. You'll see us use the Drupal.org issue queue in this video. For more detailed information about that, see our Getting Started in the Issue Queue video.
In this lesson, we take a tour of the *.drupal.org websites, as there is a lot more than just the main Drupal.org site. After our tour, we'll walk through getting an account, and see how that gives us access to all of the Drupal.org web properties. We'll play with our Dashboard, and join a group on groups.drupal.org, to become more active in the community — the best way to learn and get help. You'll see us use the Drupal.org issue queue in this video. For more detailed information about that, see our Getting Started in the Issue Queue video.
TopicThe Git version control system can help you keep track of changes in your codebase and make sure you don't unintentionally lose work.
TopicKeeping a Drupal site secure requires monitoring security announcements, performing regular updates, and knowing how to properly use Drupal’s APIs to write secure code.
TopicHTML and CSS are the foundational languages for how browsers display web pages.
TopicYAML, which stands for YAML Ain't Markup Language, is a human-readable data serialization format that's been widely adopted in a variety of use cases in Drupal.
Themes provide the HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other assets that are responsible for the look and feel of your site.
Drupal Core Modules
TopicA module is a set of PHP, JavaScript, and/or CSS files that extends site features and adds functionality. The Drupal core software comes with a set of modules that provide a range of features.
Introduction to Drupal
GuideWeb services allow two or more applications to share data and instructions with one another across the Internet.