TopicKeeping a Drupal site secure requires monitoring security announcements, performing regular updates, and knowing how to properly use Drupal’s APIs to write secure code.
TopicHTML and CSS are the foundational languages for how browsers display web pages.
TopicYAML, which stands for YAML Ain't Markup Language, is a human-readable data serialization format that's been widely adopted in a variety of use cases in Drupal.
Themes provide the HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other assets that are responsible for the look and feel of your site.
Drupal Core Modules
TopicA module is a set of PHP, JavaScript, and/or CSS files that extends site features and adds functionality. The Drupal core software comes with a set of modules that provide a range of features.
Web services allow two or more applications to share data and instructions with one another across the Internet.
Caching in Drupal
TopicCaching in Drupal is controlled by Drupal's Cache API which is used to store any type of data on a permanent or temporary basis. Some types of data tend to take a long time to compute, but utilizing the Cache API in your module can help your site load data more quickly.
Performance and scalability determine how fast your application can serve a page and to how many users at a time.
TopicComposer is the preferred dependency management solution for PHP, is used by Drupal core, and is becoming increasingly popular for managing the modules and themes used for a Drupal project.
TopicComments are a content entity type that allows users to leave commentary associated with a specific piece of content.
Content Modeling
TopicContent modeling consists of identifying and constructing the different building blocks of data that compose the information on your site.
Content Types
TopicA content type is a subtype of the [content entity](link to Entity topic). When a content creator goes to add new content to the site, they are presented with a list of content types to choose from to get the appropriate form to fill out.
Drupal's content moderation and workflow tools allow you to configure and support a flexible multistep publication process.
An overview of some of our favorite Drupal documentation resources.
Fields and the Field API
TopicFields are the building blocks of Drupal's powerful content modeling system. The Field API allows for the development of custom field types to suit almost any data display and collection needs.
Many sites require the ability to upload, manage, and display various assets like files, images, videos, and audio.
Multilingual Sites
TopicA multilingual site has more than 1 language that users interact with, either through the content, the user interface, or both.
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing your online content, so that your content will rank higher in organic (non-paid) search engine results.
Views Module in Drupal
TopicLearn to use data from your Drupal site to create customized lists in various forms, such as bulleted lists, grids, calendars, or sliders.
Learn about Drupal’s configuration system and how to manage configuration with both the administrative user interface and command-line tools.