YAML, which stands for YAML Ain't Markup Language, is a human-readable data serialization format that's been widely adopted in a variety of use cases in Drupal. Anyone wanting to write modules, or themes, for Drupal will need to understand YAML syntax. Even site builders are likely to encounter YAML at least in passing as YAML is the data-serialization format of choice for Drupal's configuration management system. Good thing it's pretty easy to learn even with the most basic of programming backgrounds.
This tutorial will look at the YAML data format and provide examples of how to write and read YAML. Starting with an introduction to the language's syntax and some of the strengths of YAML. Then looking at the difference between scalar data types like strings and integers, and collection data types like lists and associative arrays.
Since YAML in the Drupal world is read into PHP and ultimately becomes a PHP data structure that we can use in our own code we'll also look at how the YAML we write in a .yml file is represented in PHP data types. To do this we'll use the YAML Sandbox module that provides a handy textarea into which we can type YAML and have it parsed into PHP data structures.
Learning objectives
- Explain what YAML is and its strengths as a data serialization format
- Create scalar key/value pairs in YAML
- Create lists, and associative arrays using YAML collections
- Understand how the YAML you write is represented in PHP
- In Drupal, use the .yml extension and not .yaml
- Ensure your code editing application is configured to use spaces (preferably 2 spaces, as per Drupal coding standards), not the tab character when the TAB key is pressed. If you have tab characters in a YAML file within a Drupal environment, a fatal PHP error will be thrown and you'll see a White Screen of Death (WSOD).
- Copy and paste from an existing YAML file to ensure the formatting is correct, and edit from there.
Additional resources
- http://www.yaml.org
- YAML Sandbox module
- Find other tutorials and external resources related to YAML on our YAML topic page (Drupalize.Me)
In addition to using one of the existing generators, developers can write their own Drush generator commands. This can help speed up repetitive tasks and reduce the use of boilerplate code that is prone to human error.
Generators are provided through Drush's integration with the Drupal Code Generator project. Writing new generators isn't specific to Drush, though if you're creating generators for Drupal it is definitely easiest with Drush as a wrapper.
Similar to Drush commands, generators can be supplied by a Drupal module or declared globally. If you have a feature-specific functionality, it's best to ship your custom generator within the custom module. Otherwise, a global generator can be declared and used.
In this tutorial we'll:
- Explain the anatomy of a Drush generator
- Write a custom Drush generator for handling a site's development.services.yml file, and use it in a project
By the end of this tutorial you should understand how to create, or customize, a Drush code generator and use it in your project.
Code generators are great productivity boosters that allow generating scaffolds for common development tasks in Drupal. One of the most common use cases for generators is scaffolding the code required for a custom entity type. Custom entities require many files and complicated annotations in order to function properly. There is a lot of boilerplate code that is more-or-less the same for every entity type. Creating all the files is repetitive, time-consuming, and prone to human error. Generators can help automate this task and make creating your own custom entity types quicker.
In this tutorial we'll:
- Learn how to generate the code for a custom entity with Drush
- Learn about the options that generators provide for custom entities
By the end of this tutorial you should know how to generate custom entities with Drush.
The Drupal Entity API makes it easy to define new custom content entity types. And in most cases whenever you want to store custom content in Drupal you should use the Entity API instead of making CRUD queries directly to the database. This ensures your code is more consistent, and allows you to take advantage of all the features of the Entity API like access control, Views module integration, and automatic JSON:API support. As well as making it easier for others to extend your custom content by ensuring all the proper hooks and lifecycle events get invoked when new content items get created, updated, and deleted.
In this tutorial we'll:
- Walk through the process of creating a custom content entity
By the end of this lesson you'll be able to create your own custom content entity contained in a module.
One of Drupal's more powerful features is the fine-grained ability to control permissions and control access to content. The Entity API helps enable this functionality by providing an interface to help define access control.
In this tutorial we'll:
- Look at how access control is handled, using Drupal core as an example.
- Demonstrate how to implement access control in a custom module.
- Learn about the hooks that allow developers to modify access control for entities provided by another module.
By the end of this tutorial you should have a better understanding of the entity access control system and how to work with it.
Entities are the building blocks that make up just about everything on a Drupal site. Regardless of whether entities provide configuration information or content, they are absolutely crucial to Drupal's data model.
In this tutorial we'll:
- Look at the overall class hierarchy between the various entity types to see how they're related.
- Examine differences between configuration and content entities in the code that defines them.
- Look at some of the core code required to create an entity type.
By the end of this lesson you should be able to use an example to create a custom entity type in code.
Often when building a site in Drupal you'll find yourself wanting to display a list of nodes, or find entities created by a particular author, or locate some content based on a particular set of criteria. Rather than querying the database directly, Drupal provides a helper class, EntityQuery
, to make things a bit easier. The EntityQuery
class will probably look very familiar to you if you're familiar with the Database API, or the EntityFieldQuery
class in Drupal 7.
In this tutorial we'll:
- Go through several examples of using
to find subsets of content. - Demonstrate how to iterate over the results of an
By the end of this tutorial, you should understand how to use entity queries to create custom sets of data from entities.
Entity API Overview
FreeWhen learning Drupal development, it won't be long before you encounter the word "entity" and the Entity API. But what are entities in Drupal? How can you use them to build your site? When should you use the Entity API?
This tutorial will explain Drupal's Entity system from a high level. We'll look at:
- The main problems the Entity system solves
- Key terms you should know
- Key concepts we'll explore as we dive into Drupal's Entity API
By the end of this tutorial you should be able to explain the problems that the Entity API solves, and when you should use it in your own code.
Drupal includes the Symfony Validator component, and provides an Entity Validation API to assist in validating the values of fields on an entity. By using the Entity Validation API you can ensure that you're validation logic is applied to Entity CRUD operations regardless of how they are triggered. Whether editing an Entity via a Form API form, or creating a new Entity via the REST API, the same validation code will be used.
Using the Entity Validation API in order to validate the value of a field on an entity requires:
- Defining (or choosing) a constraint plugin
- Defining (or choosing) a validation plugin
- Adding the constraint to the field definition
In this tutorial, we'll look at how this Validation API works and how it can be used in custom code to ensure our entities have properly constructed values. We'll look at how this validation works in Drupal core and how we can add our own additional constraints. We'll also see how to work with the error messages returned from the validator when our entity doesn't pass validation.
Containers are sandboxed applications that can be run anywhere, no matter the underlying host OS. Docker containers are quite different from VMs in a number of ways that need to be understood before we can use them to develop Drupal sites.
In this tutorial, we'll:
- Define a container
- Explain how a container is a more limited environment than a VM
Drupal's Entity system provides several hooks that allow custom code to interact with various parts of the entity life cycle.
In this tutorial we'll:
- Examine the available hooks
- Learn how to make use of them to act on several different types of operations on individual entities
By the end if this tutorial you should have a better understanding of the hooks available to developers who want to respond to entity lifecycle operations and how to use them to customize the way specific entity types work.
On occasion you may need to modify the behavior of entity types defined by another module. Thankfully Drupal includes several alter hooks that can be used to override the behavior of another entity.
In this tutorial we will:
- Walk through the common Entity API hooks
- Look at example implementations of each
- And discuss the use cases for each
By the end of this tutorial you will have a better understanding of how to override the default behavior of an entity type provided by Drupal core (or another contributed module) within your custom code.
The Typed Data API in Drupal helps add additional functionality to PHP's built-in data types that make working with data in Drupal much more predictable. It allows code to make intelligent guesses about the type of data that a field on an entity contains. For example differentiating between a string of text, and a string of text that represents a URL.
In this tutorial we'll:
- Look at the 3 main types of typed data in Drupal: primitives, complex data, and lists.
- See how different data types and definitions are defined and show how to define your own data type.
- Look at the interfaces provided by each data type to see some of the benefits to adding this abstraction layer.
By the end of this tutorial you should have a better understanding of what the Typed Data API is, where you'll most likely encounter it, and how to use it in your code.
Entity CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) operations are handled via the EntityTypeManager
In this tutorial we'll:
- Learn how to use the
service to perform basic CRUD operations with examples you can copy/paste - Access both property and field values of an entity
- Update entities by setting new field values and then saving the object
By the end of this tutorial, you'll be able to understand Entity CRUD operations and be well on your way to becoming comfortable with accessing and manipulating entity values in code.
Field formatters are responsible for taking the data stored by a field and transforming it into what a visitor sees. We can define new field formatters to output data for new field types or to provide alternative formatting options for existing field types. Creating a field formatter plugin is a common task for Drupal developers.
In this tutorial we'll:
- Define a new background color field formatter that uses the string stored by our field_example_rgb field type as the background color of the output.
- Make it possible for site builders to toggle on or off a feature that automatically adjusts the foreground text color of the output.
By the end of this tutorial you should be able to define a new custom field formatter plugin with settings that a site administrator can configure.
Field API Overview
FreeIf you've ever created or edited a piece of content on a Drupal site you have already interacted with the Field API. The Field module (along with its user interface counterpart) is responsible for providing the forms and data components used to build up the content model that make up a Drupal site. Understanding how Drupal fields work and how they're constructed via the Field API is an important part of understanding how Drupal works.
In this tutorial, we're going to look at the main components that make up the Field API at a high level. We'll see how the Field UI module exposes the field types included in core. We'll also look at the three main pieces that compose fields: types, widgets and formatters.
Drupal's Field API specifies the implementation details for field types, widgets and formatters. It also provides several hooks that allow custom code to alter these implementation details. In this tutorial we'll take a look at these Field API hooks and see how they can be used to change field types, widgets and formatters.
By the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
- Identify existing Field API hooks for manipulating field behavior
- Understand the proper method for changing the behavior of a field type, widget or formatter
- Know where to find the documentation for these API functions, and how to find their implementations
Of the 3 main components of the field system -- types, widgets and formatters -- only 1 has an impact on the actual display of content for end users: field formatters. Field formatters are responsible for taking the data stored by a field and transforming it into the markup that is sent to the browser when an end user views your site.
In this tutorial we'll:
- Look at the role field formatters play in the Field API
- Identify the main components that make up a field formatter
By the end of this tutorial you should be able to define the role of a field formatter plugin.
Drupal's field system provides us with a flexible system of adding different types of discrete data to content types. This enables us to create rich content models. The Field API allows us to define these distinct field types by creating a new plugin. These plugins specify a FieldType
attribute. In this tutorial, we'll look at these attributes in detail. We'll look at the implementations of field types from Drupal core. Also, we'll see what a new custom field type would look like.
By the end of this tutorial, you should be able to:
- Understand how field type definitions are created and exposed to Drupal
- Identify the various field types provided by Drupal core
- Understand the requirements for providing a specification for a new field type
Once we've explored the various field types provided by Drupal core, the next component of the Field API to explore is field widgets. Field widgets define how the data structure of the field is displayed on an edit form. When content editors interact with your field type they will be doing so via the field widget you provide. In this tutorial, we'll take a look at the field widgets provided by Drupal core, the plugin type required to define our own custom widget and how we can define multiple widget options for a single field type.
By the end of this tutorial, you should be able to:
- Understand where field widgets fit into the overall Field API
- Implement a custom field widget to support a particular field type