March was a busy month for us as we continue to work on producing the best Drupal 8 tutorials. We released new tutorials for developers of modules and themes alike.
In this first batch, learn all about the various kinds of menu links in Drupal and how you can add them in your module:
- Links: An Overview for Developers
- Add a Menu Item
- Add an Action Link
- Add a Contextual Link
- Add a Local Task Link
And while you're there, check out the other topics in our Drupal 8 Module Development Guide, like hooks, plugins, events, and more.
Next, we've added new tutorials to our Drupal 8 Theming Guide on core themes, breakpoints, and responsive images.
- Core Themes: Bartik
- Core Themes: Stark
- Breakpoint and Media Queries
- What Is a Breakpoints YAML File?
- Create a Breakpoint YAML File
- Responsive Image Module Overview
- Responsive Image Style Use Cases
- Create a Responsive Image Style for Viewport-Sizing
In April, we're working on recording new videos for some of our already-published tutorials, publishing tutorials on the Render API, Field API, and prepping for and attending DrupalCon Baltimore!
What Drupal 8 topics are you most interested in learning?
Great to see new tutorials on D8 coming up. I think some tutorials for importing content, csv, excel e.t.c into D8 would be great
Thanks for your suggestions!
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