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CourseIn addition to using one of the existing generators, developers can write their own Drush generator commands. This can help speed up repetitive tasks and reduce the use of boilerplate code that is prone to human error.
Generators are provided through Drush's integration with the Drupal Code Generator project. Writing new generators isn't specific to Drush, though if you're creating generators for Drupal it is definitely easiest with Drush as a wrapper.
Similar to Drush commands, generators can be supplied by a Drupal module or declared globally. If you have a feature-specific functionality, it's best to ship your custom generator within the custom module. Otherwise, a global generator can be declared and used.
In this tutorial we'll:
- Explain the anatomy of a Drush generator
- Write a custom Drush generator for handling a site's file, and use it in a project
By the end of this tutorial you should understand how to create, or customize, a Drush code generator and use it in your project.
Code generators are great productivity boosters that allow generating scaffolds for common development tasks in Drupal. One of the most common use cases for generators is scaffolding the code required for a custom entity type. Custom entities require many files and complicated annotations in order to function properly. There is a lot of boilerplate code that is more-or-less the same for every entity type. Creating all the files is repetitive, time-consuming, and prone to human error. Generators can help automate this task and make creating your own custom entity types quicker.
In this tutorial we'll:
- Learn how to generate the code for a custom entity with Drush
- Learn about the options that generators provide for custom entities
By the end of this tutorial you should know how to generate custom entities with Drush.
The Drupal Entity API makes it easy to define new custom content entity types. And in most cases whenever you want to store custom content in Drupal you should use the Entity API instead of making CRUD queries directly to the database. This ensures your code is more consistent, and allows you to take advantage of all the features of the Entity API like access control, Views module integration, and automatic JSON:API support. As well as making it easier for others to extend your custom content by ensuring all the proper hooks and lifecycle events get invoked when new content items get created, updated, and deleted.
In this tutorial we'll:
- Walk through the process of creating a custom content entity
By the end of this lesson you'll be able to create your own custom content entity contained in a module.
One of Drupal's more powerful features is the fine-grained ability to control permissions and control access to content. The Entity API helps enable this functionality by providing an interface to help define access control.
In this tutorial we'll:
- Look at how access control is handled, using Drupal core as an example.
- Demonstrate how to implement access control in a custom module.
- Learn about the hooks that allow developers to modify access control for entities provided by another module.
By the end of this tutorial you should have a better understanding of the entity access control system and how to work with it.
Entities are the building blocks that make up just about everything on a Drupal site. Regardless of whether entities provide configuration information or content, they are absolutely crucial to Drupal's data model.
In this tutorial we'll:
- Look at the overall class hierarchy between the various entity types to see how they're related.
- Examine differences between configuration and content entities in the code that defines them.
- Look at some of the core code required to create an entity type.
By the end of this lesson you should be able to use an example to create a custom entity type in code.
Often when building a site in Drupal you'll find yourself wanting to display a list of nodes, or find entities created by a particular author, or locate some content based on a particular set of criteria. Rather than querying the database directly, Drupal provides a helper class, EntityQuery
, to make things a bit easier. The EntityQuery
class will probably look very familiar to you if you're familiar with the Database API, or the EntityFieldQuery
class in Drupal 7.
In this tutorial we'll:
- Go through several examples of using
to find subsets of content. - Demonstrate how to iterate over the results of an
By the end of this tutorial, you should understand how to use entity queries to create custom sets of data from entities.